Foxbridge Demonology

You all know something about the gods of Foxbridge. We all know that in the D&D world, Dagon is actually a demon but here he's a ruthless god. So where are the devils and demons of Foxbridge. Where can they be found?

Unlike in D&D, the demons of Foxbridge have a strict society where the strong rule over the weak. 

There are currently four different variations of demons total. They will be listed below but there’s more you have to know first.

Demons follow what is called Law. The opposite of Law is Magic. Law and Magic are opposites which can either repel one another or Law will negate magical energy entirely, depending on its power.
Law is what binds them to their existence and keeps order in demon society.
This Law is easily comparable to gravity. It exists and cannot be avoided. This is the case for demons as law puts them under physical restrictions or rules depending on their variation.

A demon is created with a soul that has been taken or harvested from a past mortal. When this soul is given a vessel, it is assigned a role (variation) in demon society so that it may function. This is the only way a demon is given individuality. Demons are also immortal and often refer to any dweller of the material plane as a mortal. Unfortunately, being immortal can come with a price.

All mortal creatures have both a soul and a spirit. A soul is the fuel for one’s body and keeps you alive. A spirit is what gives you emotions, feelings, personality and connections to others and even material things.
Demons do not have spirits because a spirit is comprised of magical energy. But if they interact with mortals frequently they can begin to form attachments and feelings, thus developing a spirit. Because demons are entirely created from Law and cannot live otherwise, a fully formed spirit within a demon will cause them to simply disintegrate. Thankfully, the formation of a spirit can take up to a hundred years and can be purged, though it is a painful process.

To purge their forming spirit, a demon must return to the Void and appear before the Demon Council to begin the purging process.

Demons also have two separate forms. They have their true form, which they can only embody within the Void. And their humanoid form that they can take on both in the material plane and in the Void. This is usually a similar form that a demon was in their past life but some demon variations can change their humanoid appearance to whatever they prefer while other may be a mixture of parts of their true form.

Demon Variations

Possessing Demon
These demons are the highest on the totem pole and often are in some form of power over other demons. Depending on their age and abilities, they can sometimes possess more than one person and can destroy an entire species depending on their alignment. These demons are the most dangerous of all because they cannot be defeated except for another demon of their kind with superior power. Those who study demonology also consider them the “original” demons and believe they have godlike power.

Possessing demons were also responsible for creating and forming the society of demons managed in the Void and the material world.

Eyes: Red, Purple
Psyche: Stable
Alignment: Lawful Evil(Most common), Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil
Special Item: Demon Sigil

Guard Demon 

This type of demon is at the bottom of the totem pole and as far as their society is concerned, even below humans. These types of demons are naturally aggressive and act out of bloodlust and anger if not properly controlled. 

Because of their need to project their murderous urges, their society had to find a way to control them. The easiest and most effective way was to create a contract which could then be signed by a human who takes charge of this demon. 

It is essentially a slave contract that cannot be broken unless upon the death of an heirless master, which in turn, the council of demons would send someone to either eradicate or place the free demon with a new master. 

If a human no longer wishes to possess a demon they can often be sold to someone new. Once the contract is signed, the old master is free and the demon must obey all orders given by their new owner.

These are the most common type of demon and are typically used as bodyguards or assassins. They are extremely resilient and will follow orders only given by their master.

Eyes: Yellow
Psyche: Unstable
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Good with a master. Chaotic Evil without a master. 
Special Item: Demon Contract

Nurse Demon

Bio coming soon!

Eyes: Purple, Pink
Psyche: Stable
Alignment: Lawful Good/Evil/Neutral
Special Item: Animal Companion

Nightmare Demon

Bio coming soon!

Eyes: Black, White
Psyche: Stable/Unstable
Alignment: Chaotic Evil/Neutral, Neutral Evil, Lawful Evil/Neutral
Special Item: Charm/Trinket