Breeding Asylum
It was initially a project that I started with just a couple of online friends. As a young writer, I wanted to get feedback on some of my early work. I was on the website quite often. When I discovered the forums and what people used them for I decided to make one of my own. I had never dabbled in sci-fi before but I had this idea so I wanted to give it a try.
It didn’t take long as my friends and I built up the page’s reputation and then everyone started to come and wanted in on it. It became one of the most popular forums on the website and still stands as having the most posts in its genre to this day even though it’s basically archived. So then, let me tell you about the forum.
Breeding Asylum is about a large group of abandoned children that were taken in at a facility far removed from civilization. Some of them came from the streets, others were removed from the system and then some even found facility members to take them in. Once admitted, the children were tested on and had their DNA fused with that of a type of animal. The goal was to create a super-soldier. However, the only problem was that these human hybrids had problems producing healthy offspring. Further tests were conducted and the children developed rules to survive the harsh environment. The main protagonist of the story is Wolf.
As the original test subject brought into the facility he remains as the Alpha male of the asylum, keeping everyone safe by following strict rules. These rules, while in place for a reason, are not agreed upon by everyone. The story of this world is full of danger, intrigue, and a lot of sexual tension.
It’s no longer active but feel free to check it out and see what I did before I created Foxbridge!