Vampires of Foxbridge
Despite some of the cliches that come with vampires, the ones that reside in Foxbridge are a little different from your typical Dracula.
Are Foxbridge vampires dead?
No. In fact, vampires are actually a species all on their own, very similar to humans but with different appetites and nutritional needs. They feed primarily on humans because their nutritional value is far greater than the blood of livestock or other animals. Because of this, they tend to populate cities and in some cases, villages or towns in smaller groups.
They can also reproduce just like humans but their gestation period is shortened to about 6 months due to the pure rich nutrition that the child is constantly getting. Pregnant vampires are usually more bloodthirsty but they are also more vulnerable. Their body is focusing on protecting their growing child, which means they are susceptible to regular forms of injury like humans. Because of this, pregnant vampires will almost always stay in the den and feed on what other vampire’s bring them until they’ve given birth.
Vampires are actually more pack-like in nature and tend to follow a strict matriarchy that branches out into dens and cults all across Foxbridge but vampires aren’t a fan of the heat so they usually stick to the colder western and northern regions.
Are Foxbridge vampires sensitive to sunlight?
Yes, but not to such a disadvantage that it will instantly kill them. Head Vampire’s of their dens or cults will typically use sunlight as a strict punishment for betrayal or even torture at times. If left out in the sun, it will not only permanently blind them, but their skin will react to the sunlight like humans do if they’ve been exposed for a long time, only faster. First, they will acquire a mild sunburn after a few minutes of exposure and throughout the day will lead to blistering and third degree burns with the final stage being death as a full two days in the sun will have their flesh melting off their bones.
Contrary to popular belief, vampires cannot be killed using a stake through the heart or be deterred by garlic. In fact, pureblood vampires can only be killed by two things: Themselves, or by a divine being or weapon.
Vampires are not typically hostile creatures, most of them are more lawful neutral to lawful evil in nature and will almost always follow their matriarchy over anyone else. A vampire that has been abandoned by its cult is very rare.
Vampires can often live up to 500 years and will age gracefully over time. Young vampires reach physical adulthood at 20 years, similar to humans. After that, their age cycle slows down considerably.