Orcs of Foxbridge
Orcs didn’t settle Foxbridge until hundreds of years after the Age of Dragons. They came in from the east and settled in surrounding areas near the Eastern Empire. They typically stay within their tribes and are very devoted and protective of their people. Respecting and supporting your fellow tribesperson are the most important values that orcs follow.
See Orc Tribes lore for more on their societies.
Orcs are the tallest humanoid creature in Foxbridge with werewolves and a few anthros being an exception. They are typically very gentle but sometimes don’t know the limits of their strength when interacting with other humanoids unless they are accustomed to a society outside of their own.
Orc can have tusks of varying sizes and sometimes not at all with skin colors ranging from a pale to very dark shades of green. In some rare cases, an orc will even have a blue skin color.
Their hair colors can range between black to a very dark brown but orcs love to paint and bead their hair, so it would not be out of the ordinary to see an orc with colored hair to match their tribal body paint.