The Bones of Foxbridge: Crafting the “Canon”

When the Foxbridge world was created, it was nothing but a name. It’s first location was Thornberry Woods and that was the entirety of its existence. Now that things have picked up, it’s becoming more than that day by day. I don’t know any more about Foxbridge than you do. In fact, you guys are my inspiration and the world is built through your storytelling, not just mine.

That being said, not everything in your roleplay is canon. Canon meaning that it’s part of the official lore that everyone gets to experience. Some things will remain unique to you. Because we are discovering the world of Foxbridge together, there will be events, locations, characters, and other elements of your roleplay that could become canon in the Foxbridge Universe.


Foxbridge Timelines

At one point I was asked if anyone’s stories overlap. 
The answer to that question is yes, they definitely can.
Since everyone’s story all takes place in the same universe it’s easy for things to overlap and I often include small easter eggs that implies another roleplayer has passed through.
How does this work if any of us have the same persona? 
Because there are multiple timelines.
How are there multiple timelines?

With the way that I’ve designed the universe, the actual date is counting down from 20,000. On the last day, the universe is reborn into a new timeline. But the timelines are not considered a loop. Instead it’s more of a spiral. Never connecting but always continuing. It’s still within the similar concept that each timeline is the same. Some of them can be the same, but they can also be different in small or even big ways.
This allows the potential for any timeline to be accessed at any point in the game, by players or by me. It also allows for additional lore development, canon, and world altering events to happen without the consequence of taking opportunities away from other players and it gives everyone a different experience every time.

Basic Foxbridge Map

Population Map of Foxbridge.png

A more detailed map of Foxbridge is available for Epic and Legendary Players. Or it can be a stand alone purchase in the store!