Lore Dump: The Discovery of Amatt’s Domain
Not long after the Age of Dragons had ended, tribes from other lands migrated over to Foxbridge, for it was a new land of discovery and new beginnings.
An ancient tribe who ruled with an iron fist in a land across the sea told a group of their people to “go, and discover this land, for we will conquer and rule all”.
And so they did. They travelled across the sea and upon reaching the new land all they found was a harsh and unforgiving desert waste.
They were discouraged but knew they could not return to their homeland now, for it would mean admitting to failure.
They began to settle the land, building a small village and struggling year after year until finally, the once proud descendants of the jackal people had been defeated by the sun itself. Defeated by the death it brought upon their people.
Until one day...one jackal spoke out to the sun. “Great fiery beast, grant us refuge beneath your rays. Let us live upon your land in peace and prosper across the sands.”
And so, the Elder God Amatt heard him and showed mercy upon the tribe, changing their once sandy brown coats to coal black, their bodies painted with the gold to symbolize their loyalty. They became the Amattian’s, forming a powerful empire that prospered across the sands, showing mercy to those who deserved it as Amatt had for them.