Lore Dump: the Economies of Foxbridge

Every major city in Foxbridge has its own separate economy. Here’s your crash course if you are a player that lives in one of these cities. 


Becoming a citizen in Amattia can be a bit difficult, but in the end it's definitely worth it. The southern region is the wealthiest region in Foxbridge due to its endless gold mines. The currency of all of Foxbridge was developed and distributed by Amattia shortly after human societies and kingdoms were established when the war was over. 

The city’s economy is strictly managed by the King who oversees all citizenship. He meets with every individual who wishes to become a citizen. They present their trade and the king decides how much funding to give them to start their lives in the city.
An example would be a man who moves to Amattia and has trade in owning a tavern. He sold his tavern in another region and wishes to start anew in Amattia. The king would give this man enough funding to start a life and buy or build a tavern there. However, success is not measured by what the king gives you. Once that money is spent, it is up to the new citizen on whether or not they make a successful life for themselves by turning that money the king gave them into a profitable business or investing in a trade. 

Common folks that labor and work for others are treated in the same fashion but because they do not have experience in owning or managing they are given enough to own or rent space and live comfortably while they work for others. 

Because of this system, there is no poverty in the southern region because citizens thrive underneath this system. Non citizens are the only ones living in poverty but most of the time they can also get their feet underneath them in this wealthy region with a little extra time.

The King appoints nobles to the other cities in the region to manage the citizenships, but if a nobleman manages it’s system wrong, they are removed from their position and someone new is appointed to take away that created poverty level. 

Taxes do not exist for citizens of Amattia, but instead, it uses the trade system as a form of taxation which takes from the travelling merchants instead of the people to fund the city and its needs. The markets of Amattia are the biggest in Foxbridge and hold up to 600 different travelling merchants every day. 

Foxbridge City

This is the central city of Foxbridge and it’s economy is the least successful out of them all and finds itself based on the taxation of the people to fund the city and the community of local and travelling merchants. Because of this, all travelling merchants are registered in Foxbridge City. This means the city regulates what they can and can’t sell. This system allows for the travelling merchants to sell whatever they wish in other regions, regardless of the region's merchant laws. It only has to fall in line with Foxbridge City’s laws. This causes a lot of issues with other regions because it’s so difficult to regulate and keep track of what travelling merchants sell. This is in fact exactly how the underground communities stay in business. 

Foxbridge City has the biggest impoverished population and has an entire area sectioned off as the crime district because of it. This allows the underground to thrive.

Ruby City

Ruby City is smaller than it’s more southern brothers but even though it is small, it should not be underestimated because the entire city itself is an impenetrable fortress.

Even though the current dwarven king has no respect for magical creatures, he did manage to develop a well functioning economy that comes in second to Amattia because of its parallels to the southern system. Unfortunately, Ruby City doesn’t have nearly as much merchant flow as Amattia does, but what they do have is a lot of noblemen who own base trades in the city such as mining, smithing, and construction.

Ruby City is the most fortified city in all of Foxbridge because it is built into the base of a mountain. Everything that Ruby City is, is all because of the noblemen that live in and around the city. They upkeep the city and manage all funding that comes from their designated trades and it allows for them to reinvest in the districts and surrounding communities.

Learn more about the lore of Foxbridge...


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